Thursday 3 December 2009

Chinese New Year or Spring Festival

Spring Festival is usually in February but often falls in late January. Also known as Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year,it falls on the first day of the first month according to the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. Officially, it lasts only three days but in recent years, many people have been celebrating for a full week.

About Spring Festival you need ready something:
red packet 红包firecrackers 爆竹fireworks 烟花lantern 灯笼
year painting 年画rice cake 年糕red couplets 春联traditional opera 戏曲variety show 杂耍feast 年饭rice porridge with nuts and dried fruit 腊八粥;
lucky mony 压岁钱

About Spring Festival you can join some activity:
Do festival shopping 采办年货To participate in template fairs 逛庙会
To go dragon dance(to expect harvest) 舞龙
To go lion dancing(to dispel evil) 舞狮
To pay new year's call 拜年To propose a toast 敬酒

Sunday 8 November 2009

This weekend no something to plan

On the weekend I was not went out, Because my body was a little bit uncomfortable.It was said that Saturday is the Guy Fawkes Night, the government needs to set off fireworks in public parks.usually lasted around half an hour.some people gatherde together to celebrate the festival and some of them even lighted their own firewords.
What is the festival origin?A man want destroy the Houese Of Parliament with lodas of gunpowders in 5th November 1605.But people to discovered his, So he attempted to damage the house of parliament.Since an annual celebration on the evening of 5th of November.Due of the convenience of people who have to work during the weekdays.
So I decide to see to next year. I don't want to staied in my room washed clothes and cook myselfb again.
next week I will good good study, day day up~!haha~